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Sunday, February 22, 2015

The danger of Rebellion.... from Evangelist Winifred

God's word for u- " Consequently,whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. Romans 13:2. My dear friend,be careful the authority u are talking down on,be careful the authority u are disobeying,be careful the person u are disliking for no reason or maybe for what somebody else said about them or u just want to fit into the crowd,the very person u are despising is usually the person God has deposited something great into to bless u. The enemy knows he can't stop God or His WORD over your life, so he tries to stop u by making u hate or disrespect that person God has deposited in your life to bless u! He knows if he can stop u from connecting to that person...continue reading http://www.zionsgateng.com/#!WELCOME-TO-THE-EVANGELISTS-DESK/cv3u/54e2b5f40cf23137e87615e2