Voice Of The Prophet Radio


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Thursday, April 10, 2014


Speak to the ROCK…

“…and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink”.(Numbers 20 vs 8).

When it was time for God to give water to the Israelites, God told Moses to speak to the rock so that it may bring forth water.

The Word “SPEAK” as used in that Scripture is derived from the Hebrew Word “DABAR”. One of the meanings of “DABAR” is “TO ARRANGE”. So, what Moses was going to say had the capacity to arrange whatsoever that had gone out of order.

There was a scattered situation in front of Moses, and his declaration was meant to arrange it.

Friend, God says, your positive declarations will make Divine arrangements on your behalf. Your prophetic declarations will arrange the things that are scattered in your life. Your Words have the ability to create and arrange the future you desire.

Watch what you say! Speak life and not death! Bless and not curse! Let Positivity flow from your mouth and not negativity. Speak life to every circumstance around you that is scattered, be it your health condition, marital status, financial situation, career, business etc.

Remember, God said, “Speak ye unto the rock and before their eyes; it shall give water”. God himself guaranteed that the speaking of Moses will force the rock to give water: As you make positive confessions and declarations over your life, the heavens will hear your voice, and there shall be a response on earth.

Pray with me, “Lord, may my prophetic confessions make Divine arrangements that will yield results in Jesus name”